Spring Clean You Week 3 Challenge – Schedule

There is no doubt that we are an over-scheduled society.  Daily after-school commitments, increase in working parents, multiple children in a household, this takes a toll on our schedule, and us.

The best way to manage these demands is really looking to maximize your free time. This week, write out your schedule for the week.  Look at what blocks of time are free.  Do you have more time in the morning or the afternoon? Is your biggest block of time during the weekend?

Think about what you would like to change 
about your schedule.  Is there any activity that you can cut out, or that your child does not enjoy? Is there anything you would like to add?  Family time? Exercise time? Down time?  Try to find a way to make you schedule have a balance of happy, resetting activities, and “required” activities.

Life is all about balance, find a way to make your life feel more balanced. This will have a huge effect on your mood and well-being.

Share your progress on our Facebook Page and I’ll see you in Week 4.

Let me know how you’re doing.  Contact me for a family consultation.

Katie Gately
The Behaved Brain
Healthier Kids – Happier Parents