Motivation For The New Year

With a new year comes new goals. Everyone is talking about “new year, new you.” I encourage you to take this time to reflect on the changes you would like to see throughout your home.

Do you have a good morning routine? Are you stressed with the hustle and bustle of your day? What does bedtime look like? Are your children struggling with following directions? Homework? School avoidance? Sibling disagreements?

Action Items:

  • Write down the top 5-10 issues you struggle with as a family.
  • Discuss this with your partner, or have a family meeting to brainstorm these difficulties.
  • Then break down each issue into family goal.
  • Work together as a “team” to help things run more smoothly.

When everyone is focused on the same goals, progress can be made faster and more effectively than when everyone is worried about different things.

Use this year to come together as a family, calm your chaos and have a happier, healthier, less stressful home!

Let me know how you’re doing. Contact me for a family consultation.

Katie Gately
The Behaved Brain
Healthier Kids – Happier Parents