A Better Way to an Apple a Day

Lately, we’ve been focusing a lot on “seasonal” eating, that is, utilizing the fruits and vegetables that are at their ripest throughout the year – the way nature intended it! Many parents of our generation have adopted healthier eating habits in the wake of understanding how disruptive “unnatural nutrition” can be for the body and brain. And while opting for organic, naturally sourced ingredients is best, you can elevate your family’s plate by eating what’s “in-season”!

Right now, we’re all about apples! Maybe it’s because the “back-to-school” shuffle has us feeling in the mood, or because a weekend trip to the orchard is on our bucket list! Either way, now is the best time to experiment with some alternative apple recipes, like these!

The Case For Apples

PickYourOwn.org shares that while apples do grow between July and November, and are available year-round due to global sourcing, their peak season in the United States is between September and October.

Are apples indeed the “super-fruit”? To many, yes. That’s because apples have several health benefits in addition to being globally delicious. For one, apples are extremely rich in antioxidants, flavonoids and dietary fiber. The antioxidants in apples alone help to reduce the risk of cancer, hypertension, diabetes and heart disease. The nutrients they offer are too numerous to name. And, at about 80 calories a piece, the balance of nutrients and sustenance an apple offers makes it a powerhouse produce.

Did you know that New York state grows the 2ndlargest crop of apples annually in the United States? Lucky for us, that’s just a short drive north to enjoy all the “fruits” of the apple orchard this time of year! Plan to take the family on a drive to your local orchard or farm to go apple picking. It’s one of our absolute favorite fall activities to add to the family calendar! Not only does it get everyone together and out of the house, it also helps creating lasting memories of enjoying the harvest season together! And while you’re there, enjoy some of the more decadent fall favorites, like apple cider donuts and hard apple cider – for mom and dad, of course!